Why do I need magnesium Spray?

Over 50% of all Americans are low on Magnesium. Why is that important?
Foods high in magnesium include green vegetables, eggs, soybeans, brown rice, and cashews. The recommended allowance for magnesium for males is 420 mg per day and 320 mg per day for females.
Magnesium regulates a number of processes in our body including everything from gut health to immune system health to brain and cognitive health.
One big factor in magnesium deficiency is that the body cannot process your intake of vitamin D without the right amount of Magnesium in your body. Many people are prescribed vitamin D without being told this or even having their magnesium levels checked.
Magnesium and vitamin D levels in most Americans now days is affected by a number of factors including eating lots of processed foods, taking certain medications and not being outdoors in the sun enough for a few.
You may think taking a Magnesium supplement will help. That is not always the case. Magnesium supplements are mainly absorbed in the small intestine and most in pill form do not have a great absorption rate. In fact many of them have a smooth coating added to them for appearance that actually deters the absorption of the supplement itself. You also never know what type of Magnesium you are getting in pill form as they use the cheapest version at the time and can vary even from purchase to purchase from the same company.
Many people are turning to Magnesium sprays such as THIS ONE for help. It is typically sprayed on the bottom of the feet where absorption is better but can also be sprayed on the wrists or around the belly button. As it is absorbed transdermally (through the skin) you actually retain most of it.
Proper Magnesium levels can help with leg cramps, restless leg, headaches, digestion, brain fog, sore muscles, insomnia and sleep issues, heart palpitations and much more.
The type of Magnesium spray I recommend is Magnesium Chloride like in THIS PRODUCT because it solves most issues that lacking magnesium can cause.
This article is not intended to treat any disease or condition and should not replace medical advice, but give you the information to ask the right questions.
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